Compensation Plan

The My Fun Life Compensation Plan 

Offers multiple ways to EARN 

a Substantial Income!

The My Fun Life Compensation plan is designed to offer mutliple ways to earn 
and the potential for an Amazing Income!
Best of all, there's no sponsoring required (you'll see below) 
but if you're interested in earning a substantial home-based income
you'll WANT to share the My Fun Life product and opportunity with everyone
 and help them Take Better Vacations!


As you can see, for each member in level 1, you get paid $1 per month. 
For each member in level 2, you get paid $2 per month.
For each member in levels 3 you get paid $1.00 per month,
You can do all this with no sponsoring required,
so YES you read that right
There is the potential to earn well over £40/month.  
(no one guarantees spillover!)  
Want faster success
SHARE the My Fun Life Product and Opportunity!

For each member in levels 4 -6 you get paid $1.00 per month,
and for everyone in row 7, you get paid $2.00 each month.
Your matrix gets filled from top to bottom, and left to right. Spots in your matrix get filled in three ways:
1 – When you sponsor members
2 – Possibly when someone above you sponsors new members (spillover)
3 – When someone in your matrix sponsors new members
Levels 8, 9, and 10 are where the big money is at, but these levels are 'unlocked' by you by sponsoring new people!
You must sponsor 20 people into My Fun Life in order to earn money for the people in row 8 of your matrix.
You must sponsor 50 people into My Fun Life in order to earn money for the people in row 9 of your matrix.
You must sponsor 100 people into My Fun Life in order to earn money for the people in row 10 of your matrix.

My Fun Life Check Matching Bonuses

For every person you sponsor into My Fun Life, you earn a percentage of their earnings, each and every month. 
For each of the first three people, you earn 10% of what they earn from their matrix each month.
This is called our Bronze level.
When you’ve sponsored your 4th through 6th, your check match is now 20%.
This is our Silver Level
When you get your 7th through 10th sponsored, your check match jumps to 30% of all the people you’ve sponsored,
 and are now a Gold Level!
Here's where it gets really exciting! Once you’ve sponsored 20 people, your check match increases to 40% of everyone you’ve sponsored and you're now a Sapphire level!
This unlocks level 8 of your 3x10 matrix and the $1.00 per person on that level! 
When you reach the 50th personally sponsored person, You will earn 50% check match of every person, unlock level 9 of your 3x10 matrix, and be a Ruby member!
Finally, if you're a go-getter and sponsor 100 people you will still earn 50% check matching bonus, but unlock your 10th level in your matrix and be the highest achievement level in the company - the Diamond level!
By law, I can't make income statements or promises - 
but do a little math and you'll see the Potential exists for a multi-million dollar business!

My Fun Life Coded Bonuses

But Wait!  There's MORE!
My Fun Life also has a Coded Bonus you can earn!
When someone is ‘coded to you’, that means you are eligible to earn one time sign up bonuses.
 When you introduce a new member who joins My Fun Life, a one time payment of $5, $8, or $10 is paid out.
The first three people you sign up are ‘coded’ to your sponsor. 
So for these three people, you get check matching bonus pay, but you do not get any coded bonus pay. 
Every person you sponsor after the first three is coded to you.
Think about this for a second!  For your 4th person and beyond, each of these people’s first three that they sponsor are coded to you.
For your 4th, 5th and 6th personal sponsors, you get $5 for their first 3 - to infinity!
For your 7, 8, 9, and 10th you get $8 for their first 3, to infinity!
For your 11th and beyond, you get $10 on their first 3 to infinity!


I love matrix - they offer the potential for spillover, and a deep sense of 'I can do this' to each member!
One disadvantage is they tend to limit your potential income, but My Fun Life has built in 2 other bonuses that allow you to deepen your income potential!
All by giving people the opportunity to save money on Vacations!
The Opportunity to have a better quality of Life, build a LifeStyle Business and Take Better Vacations!
IMPORTANT NOTE – Income Disclaimer: No incomes are guaranteed. 
Any examples above are hypothetical only. 
Your success or failure is completely up to you, your goals, your skills!

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